November Saints

Some heroes to imitate and intercessors to call on during November.  Chock full of links (all the underlined words) to learn more if you care to.  Add your favorites to your calendar and do something special to remember them and pray with them on their feast days.  It’s not an exhaustive list, but a great place to start.


  • 11/1 All SaintsHoly Day of Obligation – “…to honor all the saints, known and unknown, and, according to Urban IV, to supply any deficiencies in the faithful’s celebration of saints’ feasts during the year.” (Catholic Encyclopedia)
  • 11/2 All Souls – “If we had no care for the dead we would not be in the habit of praying for them.”  – St. Augustine. 2 Mac 12:44-45; Mt 12:31-32; 1 Cor 3:13-15; 2 Tim 1:16-18; 1 Pet 3:18-20.
  • 11/3 St. Martin de Porres – (1579-1639) Dominican brother. First black saint from the Americas. Illegitimate son of a Spanish nobleman and a freed black slave in Lima, Peru.  Known for his care of the sick and the poor, and his miraculous cures.  Patron of hairdressers, black people, race relations, and social justice.
  • 11/4 St. Charles Borromeo – (1538-1584)  “Apostle to the Council of Trent”, “Father of the clergy”.  A powerhouse in the Catholic Reformation.  Confessor to St. Aloysius Gonzaga.  Patron of catechists, spiritual leaders, and against abdominal pain, intestinal disorders, and stomach diseases.
  • 11/5 St. Elizabeth – Mother of St. John the Baptist.  Relative of Jesus.  Patron of expectant mothers.  See the Gospel of Luke Chapter 1 for more.
  • 11/10 St. Leo the Great – (c.400-440) Doctor of the Church, 45th Pope.  Persuaded Attila the Hun to turn back at the gates of Rome. Called the Council of Chalcedon.
  • 11/11 St. Martin of Tours – (c.316-397) Miracle-worker, Bishop. Spiritual student of St. Hilary. First non-martyr to be considered a Saint. Patron of beggars, horses, soldiers, vintners, and against alcoholism.
  • 11/13 St. Frances Xavier Cabrini – (1850-1917) Nun, Missionary. Founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. First US citizen to be canonized. Patron of immigrants, hospital administrators and orphans.
  • 11/14 St. Lawrence O’Toole – (c.1128-1180) Monk. First native Irish Archbishop of Dublin.
  • 11/15 St. Albert the Great – (1206-1280) Dominican priest, scientist, philosopher, theologian, Doctor of the Church (the “Universal Doctor” and “Doctor of Science”).  Brilliant intellect with expertise in many of the natural sciences, metaphysics, mathematics, and even biblical studies.  Teacher to St. Thomas Aquinas.  Patron of students, philosophers, and the natural sciences.
  • 11/16 St. Margaret of Scotland – (c.1045-1093) Queen of Scotland, mother of eight.  Founded abbeys and worked for justice and improved condition for the poor.  Patron for learning, of parents of large families, and widows.
  • 11/17 St. Elizabeth of Hungary – (1207-1231) Princess, mother of 4.  Built a hospital, cared for the sick and poor.  Patron of beggars, bakers, widows, hoboes, charities, hospitals, against in-law problems, and much more.
  • 11/21 Christ the King – the last Sunday in the liturgical calendar (Advent is the liturgical “new year”).  We recognized Christ’s supremacy over everything as an antidote to secularism. Instituted by Pope Pius XI in 1925 with the encyclical letter Quas Primas.
  • 11/22 St. Cecilia – (3rd century?) Martyr.  Accompanied by an angel.  Converted her husband, who was martyred for their faith that gave rise to a ministry of burying the dead.  She was arrested for burying him, and martyred for refusing to sacrifice to false gods.  Patron of musicians.
  • 11/23 Pope St. Clement I (d.c.101) Apostolic Father, 4th Pope.  Martyr.  Consecrated a bishop by St. Peter the Apostle.  Likely worked with St. Paul the Apostle.
  • 11/23 Bl. Miguel Pro – (1891-1927) Mexican priest, Martyr.  Celebrated the Eucharist “underground” during Catholic persecution.  Last words before a firing squad (after forgiving them): Viva Christo Rey! (Long live Christ the King!)
  • 11/25 St. Andrew Dung Lac – (1785-1839) Priest, Vietnamese Martyr.  Imprisoned and repeatedly tortured for his faith.  Died with St. Peter Thi.
  • 11/26 St. Catherine Laboure – (1806-1876) Mystic, Daughters of Charity Nun.  Had visions of St. Vincent de Paul and the Blessed Virgin Mary, who gave her the vision of the Miraculous Medal. Her incorrupt body lies in Paris. “O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.”
  • 11/30 St. Andrew  the Apostle – First Apostle.  Follower of St. John the Baptist.  Crucified in Greece on an x-shaped cross (now known as the St. Andrew’s cross) during the reign of Nero.  Patron of fishermen, unmarried women, and Scotland.  Click on this link for some odd marriage-related traditions associated with his feast day.


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